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Thursday, August 30, 2018

wednesday double dose; Town responsability

I didn't run or pick up the beach garbage on tuesday morning, so on wednesday morning there was a double dose - or even more. Who is responsible for this ongoing deluge of trash? The easy answer is, a few piggish individuals who disregard social norms. Such individuals always exist, but the real responsability lies with the leadership and citizens of the Town of Riverhead who allow, and indeed encourage, such antisocial and disgusting behavior. The Town created the Park Rd parking area and driving ramp. The garbage is caused by (1) people who park there and carry vast amounts of material down to the beach (primarily to camp and fish), which they then leave behind (2) people who drive onto the beach, and dump even more trash. Apparently the Town promiscuously issues beach driving permits to raise revenue, and many of the trash-people are from out of Town (eg the Bronx or even New Jersey). They either park in the lot or are driven onto the beach by permit-holders. Having facilitated this behavior, they then completely ignore the consequences: illegal beach driving (fast and above the mean high water mark) and trash-dumping. The Trash-and-Rut Kingpins aren't the low-level offenders, many of whom cannot speak or read english, but the Town leaders who created the problem in the first place.

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