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Sunday, September 24, 2017

back to trash and ruts

This morning "normalcy' is starting to return - trash and tire ruts. The 2 tend to go together, for several reasons. First, people bring more stuff to the beach when they can drive. Second, they spread it over a wider area. Third, when you drive (especially at over 30 mph, as some do - the limit is 10 mph), you simply notice less than when you walk. Fourth, the driving mentality is different from the walking mentality. The former reflects a need for convenience, speed, power, laziness and a lack of respect for other people. The latter reflects a need for peace, quiet, exercise, contemplation, observation, slowness and reducing one's impact on nature and other people. The simple fact that all other North Shore Towns ban beach driving completely should give one pause. Is what's special about Riverhead a lack of environmental awareness and laziness? But there's no denying that people vary greatly in their views on this and so many other matters, and if it's important to Riverheaders to do this, so be it. I will continue to clean up their trash, and enjoy the rare moments when the beach looks like a real beach again.

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