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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Parting Shots 2018

Just as last year, my last day at the beach was marred by gunfire - almost the whole day,  from both the western and eastern parts of Reeves Beach. There were several front-loaders at work too, and of course a few days ago someone drove a roll-off truck on the beach ( Time  to head south!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

End of Year

It's getting colder of course and increasingly difficult to pick up trash (the wet and cold make my fingers numb), so I'm going to pack it in for a while, for more southerly, cleaner and traffic-free beaches. Here's some of today's trash, though there's still a lot to collect.

I've been filling large contractor bags with the garbage, and today I moved all 7 out onto the upper beach, close to where everyone drives, in the hope that someone will put them in their truck. Here are 2 examples:

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

From On High

I was not able to run on the beach for a fewdays because of a minor injury, so here's a video from the summer- if you get high enough that the trash and ruts are invisible, it looks gorgeous.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Saturday, December 1, 2018

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